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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Teacher's Day I Why is Teacher's Day so Special ? Read to know the reason I BTC I


                    Happy Teacher's day,2019                

Teacher's Day 2019

Teacher's Day is being celebrated across India today to honour DR.SARVAPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN on his 131 Birth AnniversaryThe Teacher's Day is observed annually on 5 Sep , as Dr. Radhakrishnan born on 5 Sep,1888

Dr.Radhakrishnan was the First Vice President and the Second President . Teacher's Day was first celebrated in 1962 ,when he became the second President of India.The day has been celebrated every year . 
He believed "Teacher's should be the best mind in the country"

Teacher's Day : Significance

Teacher's day aims to value and acknowledge the contribution made by the teachers in shaping one's life . Though,it is not a holiday and is wellfully celebrated in schools , by reporting in schools , functions in school organised for teacher's to honouring them for their hard work & endless contribution to a Student's Life.

Teacher's Day is dedicated to all the Teachers,Gurus,Mentors & Parents also who guide their successors to become better human beings,just like Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan did in his time.

May these values towards the Teacher's never end and the close ties between a Student and a teacher prevails for lifelong.

Teacher's Day,2019 : Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Teachers Day so special, Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan

  • He served as the India's First Vice President ( 1952-1962 ) and India's Second President ( 1962-1967 )
  • He was one of the most distinguished Scholars of 20th century.His book "Philosphy of Rabindranth Tagore" attracted Global Attention to Indian Philosphy.
  • He taught in several distinguished Educatonal Institutions including Oxford University, University of Chicago,Mysore University,Madras Presidency College.
  • His philosophy was grounded in Advaita Vedanta.He defended Hinduism against "Uniformed Western Criticism" & played a major role in the formation of contemporary Hindu Identity.He earned the reputation of being the "Bridge Builder" between India and West.
  • He is one of the founder of "HELPAGE INDIA" , a renowned NGO for elderly unpriviledged in India.
  • His popularity can be known by his students, as he always remained the Favourite Teacher wherever he taught in .
  • Most of the leader's Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi , Dr.Rajender Prasad were his fans for his thinking in "Nation Building". 

Awards - 

  • He was awarded the "BHARAT RATNA" , India's highest Civilian Award , in 1954
  • He was awarded several other distinguished awards as well , such as "knighthood" in 1931 and honorary membership of "British Royal Order Of Merit" in 1963
  • He was nominated for "NOBLE PRIZE" 27 times , 16 times for Nobel Prize in Literature and 11 times for Nobel Peace Prize.

                          Parents - The lifelong Teacher's from Early childhood till Death         

    Actually the real sacrificer , who shape our life from the Early children is our parents , who keep on pushing us forward , help us in every hard moment of life , turning points , decision making , and become a Self Dependent .

    It is my humble request to all , like I make my Parents my lifelong as I have Learnt every Situation Handling , Braveness and Self Confidene,therefore I regard my parents for their hard work on me in shaping my life, you should also value your parents.
    It is said "Parents are your first Teachers,Please repect them also!!"

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    Post by - Himanshu (KING)

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