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Everything we do is depend on our thinking. More you think better,more will the content be better. Try to grow your vision, which can build your strength in the sphere of your dominance.
Ignore the other's talk,when you are on walk. Give them the result , by making them false"
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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Issue of Ignorance I Whom to believe or not?

                                    Issue of Ignorance - finding solution

With the modernisation , we witnessed a lot of change in our daily life. The time when a small Nokia phone was the prestige of high class people, but later things changed of a sudden , and a boom in all that leads to change in social structure.

Our social gaps are filled by modernization and digitalisation , depending on the way how we persue the new things !          
Some are busy in using them worthly , some for wrong means , some for timepass , some for fun ! But , in all these situation , 
the use of social media is quite common , where everyone is busy , spending some part of their life. Ya. why not ? 
When , you are getting a readymade social environment , why to join physical environment , functions , weddings , 
best part of life are uploading live on the social media. People know how to start , and forgets how to end !

In this situation , the person who can control himself , can control anything , but most of us can't ! And , willingly or unwillingly , falls in the deep trap , and realizes our mistakes later !
What to do ? How to solve ? How to bring the image - back ?
Are the few obvious questions struck to our mind , after committing some irreversible mistake , for which psychological stress 
overlaps the social and economic stress !

Few days back , our friend messages , that lot of unknown messages are coming to her , but she decided to ignore . 
Is this correct ?
According to me , ignoring is the worst thing , and a forward step-pusher for the unknown messager , which might proves wrong to anyone else !
What's your opinion ?

The digital culture brings a lot of changes into our mindset , we explore a lot of things , beyond our reach , but at the same time , some worthless and exploitative uses are also seen . The society has a neutral angle , we can't judge who is bad or good , in a less time , may be a good person  can cheat in its real attempt , which causes much psychological stress and pain among the victims. The person who perform the thing , never thought of its consequences , it is just like a game , which he/she starts and end ! But , it's not like that , the internal disturbances are more fatal , than the external harm . 
Rather than messaging knowingly , we should communicate to the mate either in group , or in community participation , to avoid the negative mindset. Can't we?
Most of the people , feel this as their disrespect , and engage in private messages , shows a negative sign and a label on their image , without knowing !

Several cases are reported realted to cyber crime , crime related to unknown dating apps , crime related to unknown friendship on fb etc. , but then also people are busy , doing the same things , again and again ! Here , ignorance , grants them chances to hit second target , if not first . That's how it shapes harming !

I request to all the users of telegram or any other social media , to please do not engage in unknown messages , it may hurt the feeling of others , or may prevail the stigma of corrupting a particular group ! 
If you find someone doing that , without any reliable reason , do report him , or post the messages on social media , and use it as tool for safety !

Make your rights, respects you ! 

Request by - unknown 

By - Tinku khandelwal

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